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Abdullah Sulaman Alnasser holds a PhD in University Utara Malaysia. He is a Researcher at University Utara Malaysia. His main area of expertise is total quality management practices. His articles have been published in a wide range of various journals. His areas of interest in doing research are international trade, marketing, import-export performance, tourism, migration, quality management.

Dr. Rabiul Islam is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Economics at University Utara Malaysia. He was Post-Doctoral Fellow in Institute for Environment and Development, UKM. His main area of expertise is the application of Global Forest Products Model. His articles have been published in a wide range of journals. He is interested in doing research in international trade, trade and environment, tourism, migration, water, poverty and food security, urban agriculture, sustainable development, climatic hazards, and green economics, quality management.

Dr. Ahmad Bashawir Abdul Ghani, Associate Professor and currently the Dean School of International Studies, College of Law, Government and International Studies at University Utara Malaysia, has been teaching international business for 15 years and supervised about 10 business research projects. He has also published in a wide range of international, Australian and New Zealand journals. In addition, he has spoken at conferences throughout the world on matters dealing with international business management. Prior to joining University Utara Malaysia, he has previously worked in a number of public and private sector organizations in Malaysia and abroad, where he has been involved in economic, strategic and business research projects spanning most sectors of the economy. 

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